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Sunday, December 30, 2007

"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste."

— Henry Ford

It's pretty obvious, that people who have better time management skills and people that are always in a productive state, are the people that are going to get ahead.

So, if you want to get ahead at your own job or relationship and become a super star. I'm going to tell you how to do it. But, I'm not going to lie to you. It takes work and not being lazy. If you really want to stand out and get ahead, this is what you need to do.

Most people in a work environment, are lazy, they will pretend to be doing something when the boss is around. But, when the boss is not around they waste a lot of time. Maybe talking on the phone (cell), doodling on paper, surfing the Internet, etc.

You might even be guilty of this. But, if you really want to get ahead and be a super star and stand out. Simply start being more productive and stop wasting time. If you don't want to get ahead and your happy in your current situation, then continue what you always have done.

The difference between a super star and a non-super star, is they see things that need to be done and do it. Everyday in work, you see things that need to get done, but, you think someone else will do it or the boss will tell someone to do it. So, you just let it be. You don't worry about it. Well, a super star will see the same thing, but, instead of letting it be they will take care of it, if they know that it needs to get done. They will not wait around to be told or wait until someone else does it.

It could be simple things, maybe a trash container is full and can't hold anymore. Everyone else that has trash will avoid that trash can. But, the super star will see it and take care of it. Can you imagine the impact on your career if everything you see that needs to get done, you take the initiative and just do it. Don't wait around for someone else to do it, get it done. If you consistently are practicing that in your work environment, people are going to notice, including the boss. Because they are going to see someone constantly doing something that needs to get done, when everyone else just ignores it.

I guarantee, that if you put this in practice, you will move up the ladder. But, like I said, it takes work to do it.

Until next time, be ware of your decisions that shape your destiny!

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