Doctor Greens Omega3 Mercury SAFE Fish Oil

Friday, December 28, 2007

Worrying - Useless Emotion

Good Morning,

Today we are going to discuss how worrying puts you in a negative, unproductive state. I am here to tell you that even though everyone has this emotion, it really is a useless emotion. Why do I say that?

Because, if your worrying about something and can actually do something about it, then you would not have to worry. On the other hand, if your worrying about something and you have no control over the outcome and you can't do anything about it, worrying is not going to change anything.

Does that make sense? Really think about this. It's true. Let me give you an example. Let's say, you are driving to work, your on the freeway. Your making good time, but, all of a sudden you find yourself in a traffic jam. You then realize your going to be late for your important meeting at work. At this point if you could do anything to manage not being late, you would do it. But, in this case, you are going to be late, you can't do anything about that, you have no control over it. Most people will sit in there cars and become very concerned and worried. But, being concerned and worried about what the outcome is going to be when you get to work is useless. Because , no matter how you look at it, what ever the outcome is going to be is going to be and there's nothing you can do about it. No matter how much you worry, it is still going to happen.

At this point, you must just go with the flow and realize it is out of your control. You must deal with it and move forward. No reason to worry. Get rid of this useless emotion.

Another example, might be, your waiting for your spouse to come home from work and he is late. You start worrying, even though by doing this, if something did happen, you have no control over it. All you can do is, have hope that nothing happened. But, worrying about it, will do nothing to change anything.

I can give you many examples, but, you must get the point and if you really think about it, you can see, that it really is a useless emotion.

So, try to stop worrying about things that you have no control over and if you do have control over something, than do something, then there would be no need to worry about it.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your ultimate destiny!!


Anonymous said...

lol wow this is really awesome...i always do that and I know that I do but hearing/ reading someone else say it makes me feel better. I'll be coming back for more blogs thanks.

Carl Mills said...

That's great!! I'm happy I can make you feel better. Thanks for your comment.