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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time - Waits For No One

"The loving person is a person who abhors waste—waste of time, waste of human potential. How much time we waste. As if we were going to live forever." — Leo Buscaglia

Good Morning,

Today, we are going to discuss time as related to your life. The average person lives to be about 75 years old. Now, when your young, you think you have all the time in the world. But, before you know it, you turn 20, then 30, then 40, until you get to the point where you might just have a few years left. Time will not pause, time is always continuous. The future will surely come, faster than expected.

Eventually, when you reach your "golden years" as some people call it, your going to look back at your life and reflect on things that maybe you should have done or tried. You don't want to grow older and regret not taking certain opportunities that you had when you were younger. Alot of people live in fear there whole life. Fear of what might happen if I do this or if I do that.

If you want to live the best, most fulfilling life, you need to dream and dream big. You need to face any fear that you have. 90% of the time the thing you fear never will surface anyway. People get so wrapped up about what other people think about who you are. They might say your crazy for doing certain things. But, in reality, they wish they had the courage to face there fear to try different things.

You can continue to just go with the flow, whatever happens, happens. Or you can go out there and live, make things happen. If you make decision to take action to do something, that action will give you some kind of result. Will you fail at doing some things, when you take chances? Yes, you will. But, I rather live my life taking chances than never taking any.

What is the worst that can happen if you failed? The answer to that question, is probably really not all that bad. And of course there are many people who are in alot worse situations than you are.

You must live your life to the fullest every day, because you never know when your time is up. Don't procrastinate, and think you'll do something some day. Because that someday might never come. Realize that every minute, every second that you spend on this great planet is precious. Make the most of everyday.

My exercise to you today, is to imagine you are diagnosed today with a terrible illness. Your doctor tells you for certain, that you have one year to live. This would be terrible, but many people really do get told this very same thing. Think of how they must feel. Think of how you might feel. But, the one great things these people can take advantage of is having closure on everything before they go. They can call that someone they haven't talked to in years, they can go travel somewhere they always wanted to go. They will probably do more in that one year they have left than they ever did in there whole life time. But, most people don't have that luxury. They will simply live there life and pass away.

So, back to the exercise, if you had one year left to live, what would you do? Write down everything you would like to do before you go. Just brain storm, who would you get in touch with, where would you go, what would you do, what would you like to accomplish? If you knew you had one year left, I'm sure you wouldn't live in fear, you know no matter what when the year is done, you will be gone. Let your imagination run wild, no matter how bizarre it might sound, write it down.

When your finished you will have a complete list of dreams that you would love to accomplish in that one year. Now, I'm going to give you the gift of time. I give you the next ten years to accomplish most of this instead of just one year!! How does that sound? Surely if you could do these things in one year, you would be able to accomplish most of them in ten years, don't you think?

Think about that !!!!!!

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny.

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