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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Daily Motivaion - Get Your Dose Today !!

Good morning,

Today's motivational quote is :

"Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure."

— Napoleon Hill

Think about that. Every successful person in life probably has failed more times than they were successful at doing something. You need to use failure as a learning experience and a motivator. You have to realize you are going to fail, there's no doubt about that. But, if you try ed something and failed and gave up after you failed, it's pretty obvious you will not achieve what you want to achieve.

You must not give up, you must continue to be persistent. You must keep your dreams alive. You must always push yourself to achieve your dream. I myself have tried many different businesses and have failed at them most of my life. But, I never stopped dreaming, I never gave up on the dream. The same goes with my battle over losing weight. All my life I battled losing weight. I would go on diets, lose some weight just to put it back on. I must have failed at this weight game hundreds of times. But, I never gave up. Eventually, I started practicing martial arts, I fell in love with learning Karate and the discipline and motivation that goes with it. It became a fun way to exercise for me. I practice Karate because I love to practice and study Martial Arts. At the same time it keeps me in shape. I also learned after failing many time with my weight loss programs, that I can eat three good meals a day, as long as they were healthy. I didn't have to starve myself. I started eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also had a healthy snack between meals. So between practicing Karate and just eating healthier, I lost the weight and I continue to keep it up.

The moral of this story, is that I failed and failed and failed many times before I actually found the formula that worked great for me. It is also amazing, that when I started eating healthier and eating every meal and snacks in between, I am actually eating more food everyday than I was before. What an amazing formula. I just stayed away from the junk food and fast food.

What I want you to take from today's quote, is if you really want something bad enough, realize you are probably going to fail many time before you actually get it. So just knowing that makes a difference. But, if you keep on being persistent, you will get what you want. Don't give up!

Until next time, be aware of the decisions you make that shape your life.

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