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Monday, December 24, 2007

Take The 30 Day Challenge

Good Morning,

Are you ready to take the "30 Day Challenge"? What I want you to do is pick one thing in your life that you want to change or maybe it's something you want to start doing. It could be for example, quit smoking, eat healthy, exercise, etc.

Now, this is a great time to start the 30 day challenge, because New Years is coming up. What ever it is that you choose to do or change, I want you to make a commitment that you will do it for 30 days. You have to really commit to doing this. If you think about it, 30 days is just a fraction of your life. If after the 30 days you want to stop doing it, than by all means stop.

Your whole goal is to just do it for 30 days, knowing that after 30 days you can stop and go back to whatever you were doing before. Example might be, your not going to smoke for 30 days.
Even if you do it on sheer will power. Commit to doing it for the 30 days. You might actually get used to it and kick a bad habit. But, by having an end in sight (after 30 days), it will help you to focus on really achieving your goal.

Now, you do not have to wait until New Year's to start the 30 day challenge. You can start today, the next day, the 1st of the month. You can start anytime you wish. To help you mentally for this challenge. I want you to close your eyes and imagine that your in a room with your doctor and he is telling you that for 30 days you have to do this one thing to stay alive, if you do not do this one thing, you will surely die. By doing this, whatever you imagine and see in your mind becomes reality. Think about this, if your doctor really told you this, I bet you would not have any problem sticking to this one thing for 30 days. So pretend that it is the truth.

Now, once you complete this challenge, you will learn the power of the challenge. You can do this same challenge many times through out your life to make improvements, start a healthy habit, take a risk doing something, learning, do something to better yourself. Whatever it might be take advantage of this powerful tool.

I would love for you to leave in the comment section, what your 30 day challenge is going to be and then come back in 30 days and let me know that you made it.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny.

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