Doctor Greens Omega3 Mercury SAFE Fish Oil

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Decisions - Visual Exercise

Good morning,

In the previous blog, we learned how powerful decisions are in shaping your ultimate destiny.
Now I want to take you a little further in helping you make better decisions with this visual exercise.

What I want you to do is, take a blank piece of paper. At the bottom of the page, I want you to write: "Today I am going to make a decision to", that's all I want you to write at the bottom.
Now I want you to think of something that you want to change in your life. Examples might be, smoking, overeating, lose wieght, better relationship with spouse, etc. Right now, just think of one.

Now, lets say we you use the example of smoking. I myself started smoking when I was a teenager. I was smoking a pack and a half a day. When I turned thirty, I made the decision to quit. It was a consious decision. I am going to reveal how I did that. If it can work for me, it will work for you.

Now getting back to your page, I want you to write on the left side of the page, right above where you wrote the bottom part. and write what you are currently making a decsion to do everyday that you want to change. Example, "smoke cigarettes". Now on the right side of the page, right across from that, I want you to write what you no longer want to do. Example, "Stop smoking cigarettes".

Circle both of these and start righting above "smoke cigarettes", exactly what this decision will ultimately bring you in the future if you continue to make this decsision every day. Example, might be: "Lung Cancer", "Trouble Breathing", Carrying Oxygen Tank Around", "Age Faster",
"Die Younger", etc.

Now, once your done that, do the same thing on the right side, all the way up the page, as many as you can think of. You should think of as many as you can on both side of the page. Example for the right side might be: "Breathing Better", "Live Longer", "More Energy", "Sleep Better", "Be More Productive", etc. Make the list as long as you can. Anything that you can think of for both sides.

Now, when you are all done with this exercise. You basically have a decision to make, right now. Don't wait, make the right decision now that will put you on the road to the life you want to lead. Really think long and hard about how your decision will shape your destiny in the future.

When I did this, I realized, that if I continue to make this decision to smoke. My life in the future does not look good. I did not want get lung cancer, I did not want to carry an oxygen tank around, etc. I wanted to be as healthy as I can, so I could enjoy life in the future and enjoy my kids and grandchildren. So looking into the future was a geat way for me to shape it. So I decided right there that I was to make the decision to "not smoke" anymore and making that decision, put me on a whole new path that made my life better and healthier. I could have made the decision to continue to smoke. But, to me the future looked brighter on the right side of the paper. So you make the decision, the right side of the road or the left and then your the one who has to live with whatever road you choose. Because whatever road you choose, it will surely shape your destiny. Until next time, Make the right decisions and shape your life.


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