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Friday, December 21, 2007

Think of Your Goal As Becoming A Blackbelt

Good Morning,

Today we are going to discuss: Goals. I practice Karate. In Karate, the ultimate goal is becoming a Blackbelt. Now, to become a Blackbelt, you have to break down your ultimate goal into small step. Everyone starts as a a Whitebelt. As a Whitebelt your short term goal is to become a Yellow belt and so on until you reach your ultimate goal. To reach a Yellow belt you first start out learning one technique at a time, when you master that one technique, you move on to the next technique and so on.

I want you to start looking at your long term goals just like becoming a Blackbelt in Karate. Of course the blackbelt would be like achieving your ultimate goal. Think about what your ultimate goal in life is. What do you want to do or become in your life? Once you have your ultimate goal, write it down on the top of a blank piece of paper. Now, you have to write down the small steps that you must achieve to reach that ultimate goal. Your not going to achieve your ultimate goal over night. You need to write down a timeline. Like in Karate, to become a Blackbelt, it takes an average of three years. That's a long time and a lot of work. But, it's well worth it when it happens.

You might know the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. If that is the case, you need to do research and become aware of the exact steps you need to take to reach your goal. Your steps should be like a to do list. Check each one off as you do it and realize as you do each step, it brings you closer to your goal.

Now, I'm not saying that it's going to be easy. There is nothing in life that you can achieve without learning and hard work. It could take years for you to reach your goal.

But, taking your goal and breaking it down into small steps and achieving the small steps one at a time, you will eventually reach your goal if you keep climbing up the stairs. You might have to re-evaluate your steps every once in a while and that's ok. But, make sure that your journey to becoming a Blackbelt in what ever you do is your main focus until you achieve it.

Until next time, be aware of the decisions that shape your life.

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