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Sunday, December 30, 2007

"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste."

— Henry Ford

It's pretty obvious, that people who have better time management skills and people that are always in a productive state, are the people that are going to get ahead.

So, if you want to get ahead at your own job or relationship and become a super star. I'm going to tell you how to do it. But, I'm not going to lie to you. It takes work and not being lazy. If you really want to stand out and get ahead, this is what you need to do.

Most people in a work environment, are lazy, they will pretend to be doing something when the boss is around. But, when the boss is not around they waste a lot of time. Maybe talking on the phone (cell), doodling on paper, surfing the Internet, etc.

You might even be guilty of this. But, if you really want to get ahead and be a super star and stand out. Simply start being more productive and stop wasting time. If you don't want to get ahead and your happy in your current situation, then continue what you always have done.

The difference between a super star and a non-super star, is they see things that need to be done and do it. Everyday in work, you see things that need to get done, but, you think someone else will do it or the boss will tell someone to do it. So, you just let it be. You don't worry about it. Well, a super star will see the same thing, but, instead of letting it be they will take care of it, if they know that it needs to get done. They will not wait around to be told or wait until someone else does it.

It could be simple things, maybe a trash container is full and can't hold anymore. Everyone else that has trash will avoid that trash can. But, the super star will see it and take care of it. Can you imagine the impact on your career if everything you see that needs to get done, you take the initiative and just do it. Don't wait around for someone else to do it, get it done. If you consistently are practicing that in your work environment, people are going to notice, including the boss. Because they are going to see someone constantly doing something that needs to get done, when everyone else just ignores it.

I guarantee, that if you put this in practice, you will move up the ladder. But, like I said, it takes work to do it.

Until next time, be ware of your decisions that shape your destiny!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time - Waits For No One

"The loving person is a person who abhors waste—waste of time, waste of human potential. How much time we waste. As if we were going to live forever." — Leo Buscaglia

Good Morning,

Today, we are going to discuss time as related to your life. The average person lives to be about 75 years old. Now, when your young, you think you have all the time in the world. But, before you know it, you turn 20, then 30, then 40, until you get to the point where you might just have a few years left. Time will not pause, time is always continuous. The future will surely come, faster than expected.

Eventually, when you reach your "golden years" as some people call it, your going to look back at your life and reflect on things that maybe you should have done or tried. You don't want to grow older and regret not taking certain opportunities that you had when you were younger. Alot of people live in fear there whole life. Fear of what might happen if I do this or if I do that.

If you want to live the best, most fulfilling life, you need to dream and dream big. You need to face any fear that you have. 90% of the time the thing you fear never will surface anyway. People get so wrapped up about what other people think about who you are. They might say your crazy for doing certain things. But, in reality, they wish they had the courage to face there fear to try different things.

You can continue to just go with the flow, whatever happens, happens. Or you can go out there and live, make things happen. If you make decision to take action to do something, that action will give you some kind of result. Will you fail at doing some things, when you take chances? Yes, you will. But, I rather live my life taking chances than never taking any.

What is the worst that can happen if you failed? The answer to that question, is probably really not all that bad. And of course there are many people who are in alot worse situations than you are.

You must live your life to the fullest every day, because you never know when your time is up. Don't procrastinate, and think you'll do something some day. Because that someday might never come. Realize that every minute, every second that you spend on this great planet is precious. Make the most of everyday.

My exercise to you today, is to imagine you are diagnosed today with a terrible illness. Your doctor tells you for certain, that you have one year to live. This would be terrible, but many people really do get told this very same thing. Think of how they must feel. Think of how you might feel. But, the one great things these people can take advantage of is having closure on everything before they go. They can call that someone they haven't talked to in years, they can go travel somewhere they always wanted to go. They will probably do more in that one year they have left than they ever did in there whole life time. But, most people don't have that luxury. They will simply live there life and pass away.

So, back to the exercise, if you had one year left to live, what would you do? Write down everything you would like to do before you go. Just brain storm, who would you get in touch with, where would you go, what would you do, what would you like to accomplish? If you knew you had one year left, I'm sure you wouldn't live in fear, you know no matter what when the year is done, you will be gone. Let your imagination run wild, no matter how bizarre it might sound, write it down.

When your finished you will have a complete list of dreams that you would love to accomplish in that one year. Now, I'm going to give you the gift of time. I give you the next ten years to accomplish most of this instead of just one year!! How does that sound? Surely if you could do these things in one year, you would be able to accomplish most of them in ten years, don't you think?

Think about that !!!!!!

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Worrying - Useless Emotion

Good Morning,

Today we are going to discuss how worrying puts you in a negative, unproductive state. I am here to tell you that even though everyone has this emotion, it really is a useless emotion. Why do I say that?

Because, if your worrying about something and can actually do something about it, then you would not have to worry. On the other hand, if your worrying about something and you have no control over the outcome and you can't do anything about it, worrying is not going to change anything.

Does that make sense? Really think about this. It's true. Let me give you an example. Let's say, you are driving to work, your on the freeway. Your making good time, but, all of a sudden you find yourself in a traffic jam. You then realize your going to be late for your important meeting at work. At this point if you could do anything to manage not being late, you would do it. But, in this case, you are going to be late, you can't do anything about that, you have no control over it. Most people will sit in there cars and become very concerned and worried. But, being concerned and worried about what the outcome is going to be when you get to work is useless. Because , no matter how you look at it, what ever the outcome is going to be is going to be and there's nothing you can do about it. No matter how much you worry, it is still going to happen.

At this point, you must just go with the flow and realize it is out of your control. You must deal with it and move forward. No reason to worry. Get rid of this useless emotion.

Another example, might be, your waiting for your spouse to come home from work and he is late. You start worrying, even though by doing this, if something did happen, you have no control over it. All you can do is, have hope that nothing happened. But, worrying about it, will do nothing to change anything.

I can give you many examples, but, you must get the point and if you really think about it, you can see, that it really is a useless emotion.

So, try to stop worrying about things that you have no control over and if you do have control over something, than do something, then there would be no need to worry about it.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your ultimate destiny!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Getting Answers From Your Inner-Mind

Good Morning,

Today, we are going to discuss how to solve problems using your inner-mind or many people call it your inner-voice. This is a great technique to use on anything that you are looking to improve in your life or any thing to help you accomplish a goal or dream.

The way this works, by asking you inner-mind a question, it will surely come up with an answer. It's programmed to come up with an answer. No matter what you ask, you will get an answer.

You could ask a ludicrous question, and your inner mind will still come up with an answer. You inner mind is like a huge filing cabinet that holds all your memories and all your references that you have accumulated over your lifetime. So, when you ask your inner-mind a question, it will search through millions of files to bring you answers.

Now, let me explain to you how to do this. You start out by taking a blank piece of paper or open your email or notepad on your computer. Somewhere you can write or type anything you want.
At the top of the page, I want you to type / write a question that you want answered. The better your question is worded, the better results you will have. But, it could be any question.

Now, in your mind, ask the question and start typing. Whatever comes to your mind. Just type and don't stop. Somethings that come to your mind will seem like they don't make sense or that they are off topic. But, that's OK. Just keep typing. You might find yourself typing one word, one phrase, one sentence, one paragraph. Whatever it is just type it. Do this for about five minutes or so. After five minutes you will have typed a good amount.

After your inner mind session, start looking back at what you typed and you will find a recurring theme in what you wrote. That recurring theme is the answer your inner mind has provided.

Let me give you an example that I recently did. The question I asked:

In what way can I lose the weight and get to my goal of 180 lbs. ??

Now, here is what I typed in while I kept asking the question:

think before you act / think of how you will feel after eating / fast forward your realty, when you are finished eating. how will you feel? /monitor intake / no fatty / junk food / don't become a prisoner, become the guard / live with never ending energy / light food / just enough to feel content / slow down, enjoy / vision of yourself slim and trim and light / continue to exercise / always look ahead / avoid obstacles / think how will this make me feel afterward / use food for energy source / be active in everything / be cautious / find the meaning / drink plenty of water /` eat healthy, when hungry / have total concentration and become more aware and alert to everything around you / just know that it's going to happen / stray away from terrible food / think of your body as a temple and worship it / don't let the sinful stuff inside / only allow the greatest energy boosting food to enter the temple / always stay alert / be on your toes / use your mind in stead of your mouth / be conscious of everything / eat and feel content / get up and move / always think of the future and make it a reality

Do you notice anything that I've typed that keeps recurring?

What I discovered is, to think ahead after you have eaten and think how this food is going to make you feel, before you even eat it. If it's bad fatty food, look ahead and you will see yourself an hour from now feeling sluggish, tired, no energy, bloated and not wanting to do anything except sleep. So, the answer is to look an hour ahead in the future and make the right decision. Know how you are going to feel after eating unhealthy food vs healthier food. That is the answer.

So, now, before I make a decision to eat anything, I visualize how I am going to feel after I eat a certain food. That helps me make better, healthier decisions about what I am going to eat.

Before, I would always do the opposite. I would go eat, then a half hour after I was finished, I would say to myself, "I wish I did not eat this". Because I would feel tired, sluggish and bloated after eating a unhealthy meal.

So, my task to you is to put this exercise in practice with questions you need answers to. You can do this exercise daily, asking all kinds of questions and by doing this, you are opening your mind and using the power of your inner-mind to accomplish anything you need to accomplish.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your ultimate destiny.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Discipline - You Must Master This

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments." —Jim Rohn

Today we are going to talk about discipline. This is something I learn practicing Karate. When ever I am learning a new technique, I must practice it over and over again many times before I master it. While I am learning the technique I make mistakes. But, I am disciplined to know that it's part of my progress in learning the technique.

I can never be shown the technique and then perform it with perfection the very first time I try it. Just like in life, you must have the discipline to learn or do something over and over until you master it. Because, you need to realize your not going to do it right the very first time. When your not doing right, you must realize what your doing wrong and change it. You must constantly be changing and adapting to get it right. But, once you get it right, you'll know it. You'll feel it.

Many people will try to do something once, maybe twice and quit. They quit, because they don't get the results they want after a couple of times. That's pretty sad, because each time they try, they are going to get better and better every time, until they eventually get it. If I tried a new technique in Karate once or twice and then quit because I can't get it right, I would never get ahead. I know I must do the technique over and over and over again before I get it.

So, the bottom line here is that whatever your dream or goal is, you need to keep trying to get it accomplished, always be aware of what is not working and change it and keep trying until you get it right. Always realize that it could take 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 or more times to get it right. Never try to accomplish your goal once and just quit. If you have the discipline to keep trying you will eventually get it.

Think of your goal as a Karate technique that you must practice over and over again until it is done right.

Until next time, always be aware of the decisions you make that shape your destiny.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas !!!! Let's Have Fun !!!

Good Morning,

I just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas !! During this holiday season, don't let go of your goals. It's ok to relax and enjoy the holiday, but as soon as it is over, keep moving down the road towards your dreams.

Don't ever give up!! Make sure you are always aware of the decisions you are making. Because, again your decisions are what propels you towards your ultimate destiny. Don't forget to write down your dreams and goals.

Let's have a little fun today. What I want you do is pretend you are a news paper journalist. It's ten years in the future from now. You are writing an article about yourself, a little bio of some of the great things you have accomplished in your life. First start with the headline, the title of the news story. For instance you may title it: "From Rags to Riches - Millionaire Carl Mills" or "Successful Entrepreneur - Making gadgets". Now to do this you have to think about your dreams, your goals and where you want to be ten years from now. You can't write a news story about yourself if you don't know where your going.

After the title, start your article about where you grew up and maybe a little interesting news about your growing up. Then go into what you started doing after High school. All of this should be the truth about your life up to this point or where ever you are right now. Then start writing about the future, like it all ready happened, like you all ready achieved the things your writing about. Write about all that you achieved, whatever that might be. End your article, on a positive note. Like, "He now resides in Texas with his wife, children and grand children. He continues to do this and that and His passion continues to propel him to lead a greater, more fulfilling life than he could have ever imagined.

You can use what ever ending you want. But, when your all done with your article from the future, you should be able to read it and get exited and motivated to achieve your destiny. Keep the article in a place where you see it at least every few days. This will keep you motivated. An idea to keep the article in front of you all the time or at least every few days is to go to one of those online services that give you email reminders. Send your article to yourself every few days, it will automatically be in your email and you can just open it and read it.

This is really a great empowering exercise to view your future and to always be aware of where you are heading. Until next time, always be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Take The 30 Day Challenge

Good Morning,

Are you ready to take the "30 Day Challenge"? What I want you to do is pick one thing in your life that you want to change or maybe it's something you want to start doing. It could be for example, quit smoking, eat healthy, exercise, etc.

Now, this is a great time to start the 30 day challenge, because New Years is coming up. What ever it is that you choose to do or change, I want you to make a commitment that you will do it for 30 days. You have to really commit to doing this. If you think about it, 30 days is just a fraction of your life. If after the 30 days you want to stop doing it, than by all means stop.

Your whole goal is to just do it for 30 days, knowing that after 30 days you can stop and go back to whatever you were doing before. Example might be, your not going to smoke for 30 days.
Even if you do it on sheer will power. Commit to doing it for the 30 days. You might actually get used to it and kick a bad habit. But, by having an end in sight (after 30 days), it will help you to focus on really achieving your goal.

Now, you do not have to wait until New Year's to start the 30 day challenge. You can start today, the next day, the 1st of the month. You can start anytime you wish. To help you mentally for this challenge. I want you to close your eyes and imagine that your in a room with your doctor and he is telling you that for 30 days you have to do this one thing to stay alive, if you do not do this one thing, you will surely die. By doing this, whatever you imagine and see in your mind becomes reality. Think about this, if your doctor really told you this, I bet you would not have any problem sticking to this one thing for 30 days. So pretend that it is the truth.

Now, once you complete this challenge, you will learn the power of the challenge. You can do this same challenge many times through out your life to make improvements, start a healthy habit, take a risk doing something, learning, do something to better yourself. Whatever it might be take advantage of this powerful tool.

I would love for you to leave in the comment section, what your 30 day challenge is going to be and then come back in 30 days and let me know that you made it.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Daily Motivaion - Get Your Dose Today !!

Good morning,

Today's motivational quote is :

"Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure."

— Napoleon Hill

Think about that. Every successful person in life probably has failed more times than they were successful at doing something. You need to use failure as a learning experience and a motivator. You have to realize you are going to fail, there's no doubt about that. But, if you try ed something and failed and gave up after you failed, it's pretty obvious you will not achieve what you want to achieve.

You must not give up, you must continue to be persistent. You must keep your dreams alive. You must always push yourself to achieve your dream. I myself have tried many different businesses and have failed at them most of my life. But, I never stopped dreaming, I never gave up on the dream. The same goes with my battle over losing weight. All my life I battled losing weight. I would go on diets, lose some weight just to put it back on. I must have failed at this weight game hundreds of times. But, I never gave up. Eventually, I started practicing martial arts, I fell in love with learning Karate and the discipline and motivation that goes with it. It became a fun way to exercise for me. I practice Karate because I love to practice and study Martial Arts. At the same time it keeps me in shape. I also learned after failing many time with my weight loss programs, that I can eat three good meals a day, as long as they were healthy. I didn't have to starve myself. I started eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also had a healthy snack between meals. So between practicing Karate and just eating healthier, I lost the weight and I continue to keep it up.

The moral of this story, is that I failed and failed and failed many times before I actually found the formula that worked great for me. It is also amazing, that when I started eating healthier and eating every meal and snacks in between, I am actually eating more food everyday than I was before. What an amazing formula. I just stayed away from the junk food and fast food.

What I want you to take from today's quote, is if you really want something bad enough, realize you are probably going to fail many time before you actually get it. So just knowing that makes a difference. But, if you keep on being persistent, you will get what you want. Don't give up!

Until next time, be aware of the decisions you make that shape your life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Great Tool For Motivation

Good morning,

Today I am going to discuss a great way to get motivated. This is a simple and fun way to get yourself pumped up.

Have you ever heard of the song, "Eye Of The Tiger"? It's from a band called survivor. From the film "ROCKY".

How do you think if every morning when you woke up, you listened to that song and that song only. Would you feel pumped up and ready to take any challenge that came your way? Would you have that extra kick in your step? Would you feel unstoppable?

I use this exercise to get pumped up every morning and it keeps me pumped up through the morning. Do you know why? Because if that is the one song that you listened to, you will be singing the song in your head all morning. The last song that you hear usually sticks in your head. This is something you can use as a great motivator every morning.

Now, I'm not saying you have to listen to "Eye of The Tiger." Pick what ever songs get you pumped up. It could be an AC/DC song, it could be any song that gets you moving and pumped up.

You can also use music to change what state your in. Example, if your sad about something, listen to a happy, joyful, inspiring song. It will change your state of mind and by changing your state of mind, you will be more open and productive.

The greatest way to use this is to start recording / burning your own emotional cd's. Pick about 7 - 10 songs that get you really pumped up. Record them onto a cd. Pick other songs that put you in different empowering moods and record them onto a cd. Think about the moods you like to be in and pick certain songs that will take you there. Happy, Inspirational, Motivational, etc.
Record all these on a cd and make sure you write down each track and what each track does for you. That way every morning, if you want to feel pumped up, listen to one of the songs that are going to make you feel that way. If you feel sad for some reason, listen to one of the "Happy" songs you recorded. You'll start to feel better. Keep this cd with you all the time, so you can change your state anytime you want to.

Music is a powerful tool to help you express a large number of emotions, including the dis empowering ones. So make your "Emotional CD" and have fun with it. You can update your CD every once in a while by making a different CD with different songs. But, let music be a part of your life, let it empower you with the motivation you need to achieve your goals.

Until next time, remember to make great decisions and lead a great life.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Think of Your Goal As Becoming A Blackbelt

Good Morning,

Today we are going to discuss: Goals. I practice Karate. In Karate, the ultimate goal is becoming a Blackbelt. Now, to become a Blackbelt, you have to break down your ultimate goal into small step. Everyone starts as a a Whitebelt. As a Whitebelt your short term goal is to become a Yellow belt and so on until you reach your ultimate goal. To reach a Yellow belt you first start out learning one technique at a time, when you master that one technique, you move on to the next technique and so on.

I want you to start looking at your long term goals just like becoming a Blackbelt in Karate. Of course the blackbelt would be like achieving your ultimate goal. Think about what your ultimate goal in life is. What do you want to do or become in your life? Once you have your ultimate goal, write it down on the top of a blank piece of paper. Now, you have to write down the small steps that you must achieve to reach that ultimate goal. Your not going to achieve your ultimate goal over night. You need to write down a timeline. Like in Karate, to become a Blackbelt, it takes an average of three years. That's a long time and a lot of work. But, it's well worth it when it happens.

You might know the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. If that is the case, you need to do research and become aware of the exact steps you need to take to reach your goal. Your steps should be like a to do list. Check each one off as you do it and realize as you do each step, it brings you closer to your goal.

Now, I'm not saying that it's going to be easy. There is nothing in life that you can achieve without learning and hard work. It could take years for you to reach your goal.

But, taking your goal and breaking it down into small steps and achieving the small steps one at a time, you will eventually reach your goal if you keep climbing up the stairs. You might have to re-evaluate your steps every once in a while and that's ok. But, make sure that your journey to becoming a Blackbelt in what ever you do is your main focus until you achieve it.

Until next time, be aware of the decisions that shape your life.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Decisions - Visual Exercise

Good morning,

In the previous blog, we learned how powerful decisions are in shaping your ultimate destiny.
Now I want to take you a little further in helping you make better decisions with this visual exercise.

What I want you to do is, take a blank piece of paper. At the bottom of the page, I want you to write: "Today I am going to make a decision to", that's all I want you to write at the bottom.
Now I want you to think of something that you want to change in your life. Examples might be, smoking, overeating, lose wieght, better relationship with spouse, etc. Right now, just think of one.

Now, lets say we you use the example of smoking. I myself started smoking when I was a teenager. I was smoking a pack and a half a day. When I turned thirty, I made the decision to quit. It was a consious decision. I am going to reveal how I did that. If it can work for me, it will work for you.

Now getting back to your page, I want you to write on the left side of the page, right above where you wrote the bottom part. and write what you are currently making a decsion to do everyday that you want to change. Example, "smoke cigarettes". Now on the right side of the page, right across from that, I want you to write what you no longer want to do. Example, "Stop smoking cigarettes".

Circle both of these and start righting above "smoke cigarettes", exactly what this decision will ultimately bring you in the future if you continue to make this decsision every day. Example, might be: "Lung Cancer", "Trouble Breathing", Carrying Oxygen Tank Around", "Age Faster",
"Die Younger", etc.

Now, once your done that, do the same thing on the right side, all the way up the page, as many as you can think of. You should think of as many as you can on both side of the page. Example for the right side might be: "Breathing Better", "Live Longer", "More Energy", "Sleep Better", "Be More Productive", etc. Make the list as long as you can. Anything that you can think of for both sides.

Now, when you are all done with this exercise. You basically have a decision to make, right now. Don't wait, make the right decision now that will put you on the road to the life you want to lead. Really think long and hard about how your decision will shape your destiny in the future.

When I did this, I realized, that if I continue to make this decision to smoke. My life in the future does not look good. I did not want get lung cancer, I did not want to carry an oxygen tank around, etc. I wanted to be as healthy as I can, so I could enjoy life in the future and enjoy my kids and grandchildren. So looking into the future was a geat way for me to shape it. So I decided right there that I was to make the decision to "not smoke" anymore and making that decision, put me on a whole new path that made my life better and healthier. I could have made the decision to continue to smoke. But, to me the future looked brighter on the right side of the paper. So you make the decision, the right side of the road or the left and then your the one who has to live with whatever road you choose. Because whatever road you choose, it will surely shape your destiny. Until next time, Make the right decisions and shape your life.


Master This One Thing - Shape Your Destiny !!

Good morning,

My name's Carl Mills. I am a "Motivational Speaker." I book myself to speak at Junior high and High schools to reach out and hopefully motivate young people to set and reach goals.

Today we are going to discuss, the one, most powerful thing that you really need to understand and be aware of to shape your ultimate destiny. Are you ready for this?

The one thing you must master is ----------- "DECISION." You need to understand that where you are today was all based on decisions that you made in the past. Does that make sense? Think about it, you can probably take a part of your current situation and trace the decisions backwards to bring you to where you are today. For instance, if your married, think back and realize some of the desisions that led you to your current mariage or what ever situation you want to use in this example.

Now, as you think back, what if you made one different decision. Do you agree that it would have put you on a totaly different path. You would be living a totaly different life if you just changed one desision. Now, you can see how making decicions are the most powerful tool you need to master.

Goals, dreams, thoughts, they do not mean a thing if don't make the decision to reach them.
If you make empowering decisions, you'll lead an empowering life. If you make ethical decisions, you'll lead an ethical life. If you make better decisions, you'll lead a better life. Do you get the point?

In other words, whatever kind of decisions you make, that will be the kind of life you live. If your overwieght, start making healthier decisions. If you smoke and want to quit, start making better, healthier decisions. Just like they say you are what you eat, "you are what you decide."

I hope that you really realize that if you change your decisions, you will ultimately change your life. So start making better decisions and start leading a better life.