Doctor Greens Omega3 Mercury SAFE Fish Oil

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Getting Answers From Your Inner-Mind

Good Morning,

Today, we are going to discuss how to solve problems using your inner-mind or many people call it your inner-voice. This is a great technique to use on anything that you are looking to improve in your life or any thing to help you accomplish a goal or dream.

The way this works, by asking you inner-mind a question, it will surely come up with an answer. It's programmed to come up with an answer. No matter what you ask, you will get an answer.

You could ask a ludicrous question, and your inner mind will still come up with an answer. You inner mind is like a huge filing cabinet that holds all your memories and all your references that you have accumulated over your lifetime. So, when you ask your inner-mind a question, it will search through millions of files to bring you answers.

Now, let me explain to you how to do this. You start out by taking a blank piece of paper or open your email or notepad on your computer. Somewhere you can write or type anything you want.
At the top of the page, I want you to type / write a question that you want answered. The better your question is worded, the better results you will have. But, it could be any question.

Now, in your mind, ask the question and start typing. Whatever comes to your mind. Just type and don't stop. Somethings that come to your mind will seem like they don't make sense or that they are off topic. But, that's OK. Just keep typing. You might find yourself typing one word, one phrase, one sentence, one paragraph. Whatever it is just type it. Do this for about five minutes or so. After five minutes you will have typed a good amount.

After your inner mind session, start looking back at what you typed and you will find a recurring theme in what you wrote. That recurring theme is the answer your inner mind has provided.

Let me give you an example that I recently did. The question I asked:

In what way can I lose the weight and get to my goal of 180 lbs. ??

Now, here is what I typed in while I kept asking the question:

think before you act / think of how you will feel after eating / fast forward your realty, when you are finished eating. how will you feel? /monitor intake / no fatty / junk food / don't become a prisoner, become the guard / live with never ending energy / light food / just enough to feel content / slow down, enjoy / vision of yourself slim and trim and light / continue to exercise / always look ahead / avoid obstacles / think how will this make me feel afterward / use food for energy source / be active in everything / be cautious / find the meaning / drink plenty of water /` eat healthy, when hungry / have total concentration and become more aware and alert to everything around you / just know that it's going to happen / stray away from terrible food / think of your body as a temple and worship it / don't let the sinful stuff inside / only allow the greatest energy boosting food to enter the temple / always stay alert / be on your toes / use your mind in stead of your mouth / be conscious of everything / eat and feel content / get up and move / always think of the future and make it a reality

Do you notice anything that I've typed that keeps recurring?

What I discovered is, to think ahead after you have eaten and think how this food is going to make you feel, before you even eat it. If it's bad fatty food, look ahead and you will see yourself an hour from now feeling sluggish, tired, no energy, bloated and not wanting to do anything except sleep. So, the answer is to look an hour ahead in the future and make the right decision. Know how you are going to feel after eating unhealthy food vs healthier food. That is the answer.

So, now, before I make a decision to eat anything, I visualize how I am going to feel after I eat a certain food. That helps me make better, healthier decisions about what I am going to eat.

Before, I would always do the opposite. I would go eat, then a half hour after I was finished, I would say to myself, "I wish I did not eat this". Because I would feel tired, sluggish and bloated after eating a unhealthy meal.

So, my task to you is to put this exercise in practice with questions you need answers to. You can do this exercise daily, asking all kinds of questions and by doing this, you are opening your mind and using the power of your inner-mind to accomplish anything you need to accomplish.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your ultimate destiny.

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