Doctor Greens Omega3 Mercury SAFE Fish Oil

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Think About This !!

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently."

— Warren Buffett

Good Morning,

You can build a great reputation, which essentially, does take years. People always have there own ideas, thoughts and feelings about who you really are. It's true, that you can be the most stand up person on the planet, but you do one thing that attacks your integrity and everyone will look at you different, even though you have years of building your reputation.

That's pretty sad, people tend to remember the bad things and not the good. You can do thousands of great things, but, if you do one bad thing, there whole outlook changes.

The best way to avoid this ever happening is to first, always treat people the way you would want to be treated. It sounds simple, but alot of people do the opposite. They talk of treat other people in ways that they would not want to be talked too. But, if you always live by this rule, you'll have a better reputation. Some managers (bosses), are great at not living by this rule. They are the un-popular ones. They do not have a good reputation around there workplace. There employees might even try to sabotage there boss just to get rid them. Now, that's bad.

Second, if you find yourself wanting to do something, but your questioning if it's right or wrong, odds are, it's not right. So, always listen to your inner voice. Your inner voice is very wise.

My exercise to you today, is to think about how other people view your reputation. How do your friends view you? How does your family view you? How does your co-workers, employees and even your boss view you?

Really think about it. Because it could be that some of them view your reputation one way and others view it differently. The thing you really want is for everyone to have a positive view of your reputation. Maybe you have to make some changes, so that everyone is on the same page.

Until next time, be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny. !!

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