Doctor Greens Omega3 Mercury SAFE Fish Oil

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Get More Energy in The Afternoon !!

"Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Good Morning,

Do you feel sluggish, tired as your day continues into the afternoon? Do you know why you feel that way? It's one of the worst feelings, especially when you have to work and your feeling tired and sluggish, no energy.

Most of the time this happens after you eat. So, the first thing you need to realize is, probably what your eating is making you feel this way. Obviously, if you are eating a heavy lunch and eating to much, your going to feel tired after you eat. The second reason why you probably feel this way, is your not getting any exercise.

Now, I know, exercise, not fun, who wants to do it. You must realize, even if you do some light exercise, like walking, stretching, practice yoga, there are many light exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine. It will help you be more energetic thru out your day.

The next thing, eat a lighter, more healthy lunch. Think before you eat. Think of how your lunch is going to make you feel after you eat. Look into the future, about an hour after you eat. You pretty much know what food is going to make you feel tired and what food is light and healthy and will give you energy.

If you have a daily exercise program and eat a light healthy lunch, you will have energy and be way more productive at work. As "TONY" the tiger says, you'll feel great!! Know one likes to feel sluggish and tired in the afternoon, it makes the afternoon drag by slower, because your not concentrating on the tasks you need to do to be productive. Your just looking at the clock waiting to go home and go to bed.

So, start a healthier program today and get more energy that will carry you thru your day and make you more productive.

Until next time, always be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny!

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