Doctor Greens Omega3 Mercury SAFE Fish Oil

Friday, February 8, 2008

True Formula For Success !!!!

"A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart." — Jonathan Swift: 17-18th century

Good Morning,

To be truly successful at something, takes more than wanting to make money. You must have a passion, loving what you do.

It's the same way with exercise. If you want to go on an exercise program and you decide to start jogging or lifting weights. You might do it from sure will power for a few times, but, if you don't love doing it or have a passion for it, your not going to stick to the program. Does that make sense?

That's why so many people start doing things and end up shortly after not doing them any longer. Don't start something if you do not have a passion for it.

Another example, people everyday start diets to lose weight. They stick to it for a couple of days or maybe on pure will power they might stick yo it for a couple of weeks. But, if they don't love and have a passion for eating healthy, they will not be on the diet very long. It's as simple as that. The quicker you realize this, the quicker you can start looking for ways to build passion for something you want to accomplish.

This is the greatest success formula for anything in your life that you want to accomplish and be really successful at anything you do. From relationships, finances, business, physically, emotionally, etc. Every aspect of your life.

If you smoke cigarettes, do you want to quit? Yes? No, you really don't. Because you love and have a passion for smoking cigarettes. !! If you try to quit, it won't work! The only way to quit smoking, is to not be passionate about it anymore, you must have a passion, loving not to smoke. Loving the way you feel not to smoke, how much better you can breath, how much better you can taste your food, how much better your overall health will be, how much better you smell, etc.

Do you really want to go on a diet to lose weight? Yes? No, you don't. Because you love to eat, you have a passion to eat unhealthy foods. A diet won't work unless, you find a passion and love to eat a healthy diet. Loving the way a healthy diet will make you feel. Less bloated, more energy, weight loss, less physical problems, looking better, etc.

You can see by just the couple of examples above that you must realize that the only way your going to be successful at anything in your life is to love it and have a great passion for doing it.
If you write down your goals that you have and you do not have a passion or love doing it. You mine as well not even try. You need to love doing it. Otherwise your going to waste your time trying something that will not make you happy and you will not succeed.

Until next time, always be aware of your decisions that shape your destiny!

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